Today we began exploring Yellowstone. We spent a little time in the park yesterday when we made our way in but wanted to go and enjoy more sites today. For all of you that think you may want to do this some day. I would highly recommend a camera or video camera for each child. Caleb was so much more interested in things once he was the one taking pictures!
I have to say that you could honestly spend a whole week here and not see everything! We are limited in that there are some areas closed due to snow...see picture below and some areas have had rock slides.
We are skipping most trails due to the amount of snow involved. Some areas are just plain unsafe when it comes to having kids. It is a catch 22 as I have enjoyed the utter beauty of the snow but have lost out on exploring due to the sheer amount here.
I know it throws you off in some pictures there is no snow whatsoever and in others the ground is covered. It solely depends on where in the park you are when the pictures are taken.
Below are pictures of today's adventures. Tomorrow we see Old Faithful which of course is a very BIG deal!! The pictures do not do it justice but I hope you can catch a little of the beauty. You would think it would be freezing but actually it was very enjoyable!
We are expected to have a beautiful day tomorrow with highs in the 60's...the next day they are calling for snow again!! We will be finishing up at Yellowstone and heading down to the Grand Tetons that day so that should be interesting!
great photos!!