Today we drove from Ohio to Illinois. It was a little exhausting I must say...but we will reap the benefits of skipping through a few states with relatively little stopping!
I commented to Jay that I had never seen so many Bob Evans in my life...only to realize that he (Bob Evans) was from Ohio. We drove by his farm where he lived and built the restaurant that has become a very popular eatery!
We did not do a lot of "exciting" things today. But did take the opportunity to drive through Indianapolis to see the speedway (of course Caleb asked us 100 times could we go by) they are having a race on Sunday so it was packed but nevertheless very neat to see in person.
I enjoyed seeing the open farm land and windmills along the way. That was pretty my kids and I had never seen that. Jay used to spend a month here every August for work so he has seen all of these sites before. I think he has enjoyed showing me and the kids all of the picturesque farms along the way...He is a farmer at heart after all!!
Our most enjoyable part of the day was the kids learning to blow bubbles with chewing gum....I know...very silly but it was something to pass the time!!! After awhile my neck was hurting because every time someone grunted it meant that they had a new and fantastic bubble for Mom to see!!
We did get a nice shot of the sunset while traveling. The sky was gorgeous after we had a hard rain.
We stopped at a rest area at one point and Haley climbed in the front with me and pretended to drive. As I took this picture I could not help but think that in a few short years this will be the case. Made me realize just how important vacation is.......
Hope everyone is enjoying this....let me know what you think!!!
this is so awesome! :) I get to enjoy your vacation with you... SWEET! Keep the blog going... you are doing great! And tell the kids I am SO proud of them for blowing bubbles... I will have to see that in person of course and maybe have a little competition. LOL! Enjoy yourselves and have fun. I love you all!! :)